
Alluvione Emilia-Romagna: Italstick Soc. Coop. Supports Relief Efforts

18 May 2023

Following the recent and dramatic flood that struck Emilia-Romagna, Italstick Soc. Coop. felt it was necessary to take active steps to show solidarity and support. The company decided to participate in a resource collection campaign and made a donation of Euro 10,000.00, deposited into the bank account of Legacoop Nazionale.

The flood caused widespread damage and hardship for the affected communities in Emilia-Romagna. Understanding the importance of coming together and providing support during such challenging times, Italstick Soc. Coop. aims to contribute to the relief efforts and participate in the reconstruction of the affected areas.

We firmly believe in the power of collective action and the importance of corporate social responsibility. By collaborating with Legacoop Nazionale, the company ensures that its support reaches the affected communities efficiently and effectively.

Italstick Soc. Coop. continues to dedicate itself to supporting the affected regions in Emilia-Romagna in the process of rebuilding and recovering from the devastating effects of the flood. We invite other businesses and individuals to join us in offering assistance and solidarity to the affected communities.

In times of crisis, it is crucial for companies and individuals to come together and support one another. Italstick Soc. Coop. sets an example of corporate citizenship by actively participating in the relief efforts for the flood victims in Emilia-Romagna. Together, we can make a difference and contribute to rebuilding the affected communities, offering hope and strength in the face of adversity.